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Monday, March 7, 2011

3-Word Wisdom 7: Learn something new

Yesterday's post brought tears. Today I think it's time to lighten the mood and turn some attention to one of the challenges of the super adulthood....

Is technology getting more complicated, or am I losing brain cells at a rate faster than you can program your DVR with a universal remote?  I like to think that I am pretty tech-savvy “for my age”. My current workaday world is dependent on my ability to navigate a complex customer relations management database, log into any number of conference lines, and access and analyze the myriad of data to create a meaningful report. When this technology fails me, I do my very best to sound intelligent with the IT support specialist at the other end of my phone call. “Don’t sound like a tech-illiterate”, I hear myself thinking – “that’s a dead giveaway that you’re an old fart.” I can proudly say that I have held my own in most of these encounters. Yet ask me to configure our TV to record two programs, and simultaneously watch a DVD, and all bets are off. Is there a Baby-boomer’s Guide to Technology out there? If, so it will be on my birthday wish list! I am determined to keep up with technology - and I'm an advocate for lifelong learning of any kind.

One of these days I will retire, and I am looking forward to my post-60 education. The curriculum will be of my choosing, and the only prerequisite will be my interest in the subject matter. Here is my tentative class schedule:

  • Advanced bread baking – artisan breads, rolls, and baguettes. Imagine the aroma of the homework!
  • French pastries 101 – croissants, tarts, napoleons – got butter?
  • Photography for the camera-challenged – also known as remedial photography, this course will “focus” on keeping one’s thumb away from the lens, removing the lens cap before looking through the thing you look through, and positioning subjects to avoid the appearance of a tree growing out of their head.
  • Photoshop for the camera-challenged – taught in conjunction with the photography class above, students will learn how to remove tree trunks from the tops of subject’s heads.
  • Motor home driving lessons – Hubby may veto this class, but I am determined to take a cross country road trip. Would he prefer we sleep in the back of our SUV?
  • Falling as an art form – this will be a required course, since I am a true klutz. Students will learn 1) To pay attention to their surroundings; and 2) How to fall with grace and style. A failing grade will require the purchase of an, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up” necklace
Today’s 3-Word Wisdom: Learn something new. Find opportunities to explore your hidden talents and make the time to develop them. Keep your brain cells active and be open to change - it will happen. Now, pass me the remote - and a croissant!
Graduation 1974 - I thought I knew everything. Ha!!


  1. I am loving your 3 word wisdom posts. I know Allison through my brother in law and she is such an awesome person and from getting to know you through your blog I can see where she gets it. Thanks for writing and sharing yourself with other people...

  2. Paula, I'll be glad to help you evaluate your baking homework! It'll be a hard job, but somebody has to do it. :)

  3. Paula, I adore this post. Hilarious! If Hubby won't go with you on a cross country RV trip, I'll be your wingman. :)

  4. Okay, I am all up to date now on your blogs!!! Love them all, but this one strikes me as especially funny. LOL You're awesome. Oh, and when you do that cross country road trip our RV will be right behind ya!


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