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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hello 60. It's Me, Paula

The countdown begins. My 60th birthday is March 30.

How did this happen? Why am I having such a hard time with this number? For someone who absolutely loves the attention bestowed upon her on the anniversary of her birth, this is the first and only birthday that I have ever dreaded.

At 30, I was a working mother with an infant daughter and energetic toddler son. I had no time to celebrate that birthday, but it became a historic date with John Hinckley’s failed assassination of President Ronald Reagan. My husband and I celebrated our 40th birthdays with a huge party that cost more than our wedding reception 17 years earlier. No black, “Over-the Hill” balloons for us – 40 was fabulous! Even 50 was a birthday I welcomed, commencing with an entire weekend of girly fun with 20 dear friends and family in Palm Springs – secretly planned and precisely executed by my then twenty-something daughter and beautiful nieces. Now, 60 is looming – and until my near meltdown last week it was a milestone that I not only dreaded, but refused to verbally acknowledge. Why was turning 60 so hard for me to accept? Anyone? Anyone?

Before I go further, let me share a little bit about my almost-60 no particular order. I am active. I am healthy. I eat right, and take my vitamins. I have been a teacher, a business owner, and was recognized for my entrepreneurial accomplishments. I currently work in the world of event fundraising. I have too many pairs of shoes. I can no longer read without glasses, and I have almost as many pairs of readers as I have footwear. My "style" is classic – with a dash of flair! I love to dance. I cherish friendships. I am the queen of entertaining. I say the F-word occasionally. I enjoy my kid’s friends – and they like me. I drive faster than I should. I have officiated two weddings. I have had no “work” – and I have the wrinkles to prove it. I know all of the words to Bohemian Rhapsody, Don’t Stop Believing, and Me and Bobby McGee to name just a few - and I sing-along loudly every time I hear these and other classics. I cry at weddings and Hallmark commercials. I am a bleeding heart liberal. I am tolerant. I am not tolerant of intolerance. I love my husband, kids, and their significant others. I am looking forward to being a grandparent. I have a wonderful life.

During my aforementioned meltdown, I found myself in a dark place that can only be understood by someone facing the reality that they have lived more years of their natural life than they have remaining. My usually upbeat self slipped into a depression of sorts – a nearly suffocating, all-consuming onslaught of negativity, fear, and remorse. We aren’t prepared for retirement. This house is too big for us. I am not where I thought I would be in my career. It’s too late to start over. Why didn’t I write my book? What have I done with my 60 years? I found myself in such a dangerous state of mind that it scared the crap out of me. And it was all due to a stupid numeral. I was giving 60 too much negative power.

Thankfully my husband is a great listener and my best friend, and after I confided in him my innermost fears, he gave me what I needed at that moment – his unconditional love and support. He heard me. He understood. He reminded me we are in this together, and helped me get through my lowest of moments. Now it’s time to start doing something. I have so much to be grateful for, and I will not be defined by a birth date.

This blog is Step One on my road to acceptance of my upcoming milestone. Hello, world – my name is Paula and I am going to be 60. I will celebrate by sharing my 60 years of life experience and wisdom. I will show the world what the new 60 looks like. This is not my mother’s 60.

Stay tuned for my “mid-century modern” observations. Look out 60 - Paula's on her way!


  1. you are amazing- this blog is just ONE example. and i feel honored to be along for the ride. nobody does it better than you. xom

  2. Paula, you are amazing...and as I'm about 14 months behind you on hitting the Big Six-O, I appeciate you blazing the trail!!

  3. I have "lived" with you and loved you for 30+ years, Paula, and I can't even begin to imagine what my life would have been like without you in it for more than half of your life. Your public acknowledgement that 60 IS HARD is consistent with who and what you are.....a caring-beyond-words leader. By helping to lead others through this reality, you will end up "saving" yourself! Always and forever, Nancy

  4. What a moving first entry! I'm so happy to hear what will come next...I am also very proud and honored to be so close to you, as you are so close to my heart. I love you, Lovely!! XO

  5. Hey, first of all, posting a blog at 12:31am, in itself is amazing.....the content is exactly what I have been feeling as well.....couldnt put my finger on it, because birthdays, have come and gone, some with much celebration, others, silently, eloquently slipping by....But this SIX O one, is kicking my butt, because not only have I become my mother but now I am becoming my grandmother..........WTH?? I am celebrating with a tatoo......I got one when I turned one sees it, for you see, it is hard to find a place on this ole body, that still is in tact, and not saggy or paperthin......I know that that is my inner rebel in me.......I survived the I am in the 60s.......

  6. Oh Paula, this brought tears to my eyes, but also made me laugh! I'm 63 now...the birthdays keep on comin' after 60. I think turning 60 makes us so aware of our mortality and that's a little frightening. I guess I *felt* immortal up until then, even though I have experienced some life-threatening health issues and events. Reaching the 60th birthday milestone is a wake-up call, and being awake and aware of our life is a "good thing", as Martha would say. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts on the big 6 0!
    Margie Carter

  7. I LOVE this!!! You are an amazing person and who knew you were such a good writer?!?!? LOL So thankful that you are in my life. Love you!!! XOXO

  8. Wow. I am overwhelmed (and really tired - I stayed up way too late last night writing this!). Thank you all for your kind words and support. More to come.....

  9. Hey Paula...I haven't known you as long as some of the ladies that commented, but I have done the 60 thing and I can tell you that it is not so bad. And knowing you, you will celebrate when that day comes!!! Looking forward to reading more and getting to know you better, also they say 60 is the new 40 so you are all good.

  10. Aunt Paula, Thank you for sharing your deepest feelings with us. I love you so much and couldn't have asked for a better aunt. I love you.

  11. JoJo says,, Paula you make me laugh and you make me cry. You have a wonderful way of story telling. Thank you so much for sharing your deepest thoughts and memories of your past with us.. Have I said this before, I am blessed to have you in my life. It will sound weird to say , but cancer brought us together so many years ago now. With every word you write I get to know more about you ....... It confirms why you are on my list of lifer friends. Keep writing... Even if you are losing some sleep on the way ..... We are enjoying this sooooo much .. LOVE Ya joanne, Jo, Jojo... Ps you can call me anything as long as you call me ....

  12. You forgot to mention one thing, Paula. Like Alison used to say (and still does), "My mom knows everything except for 17 things."


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